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Looking to Hire Shanghai SEO Expert?
Hmm. I know, you must’ve reached here by typing in “SEO expert shanghai” or “SEO expert in Shanghai,“ right? Nope, gotta confess. I’m not based in Shanghai right now. I’m a digital strategist based out in Chengdu, China. Contact me today!

I’m Mighil, an inbound marketing specialist and SEO expert who’s available for consulting on various topics related to the effective integration of web strategy in business
This page is just another example to prove the power of mighty SEO.
But why do you rank on the first page of Google SERP?
Here’s the deal. I want to educate you about how effective SEO can bring more leads to your business website and improve its conversion.
What do you offer as an SEO expert?
Hire me as the SEO Expert for your overseas digital project and generate more leads.
Add me on Wechat: mighil today and let’s together design the right SEO Strategy for your international business based in Shanghai.
I’ll help your Shanghai-based international business grow by executing the most effective inbound marketing campaign.
I can:
- Build brand awareness
- Drive unique visitors to your website
- Lower the customer acquisition cost
- Generate leads & increase sales
Why Hire an SEO Expert or Consultant?
Hiring an SEO expert in Shanghai or me will be time-saving for small and medium-sized businesses who don’t want to invest in an in-house team.
An SEO specialist needs to interact with multiple departments, sites, analytics, social media, Web Development, and infrastructure. Hiring the best SEO expert in Shanghai is cost-effective than hiring an agency that provides mediocre services.
What Does An SEO Expert or Consultant Do?
An SEO Expert in Shanghai like me will be responsible for monitoring overall search engine performance for digital campaigns. The overall goal of an SEO consultant is to keep up with the inbound marketing campaign and increase the level of traffic to a website by using keywords and keyword topics to improve the user experience and meet search engine guidelines.
How Can SEO Expert in Shanghai Help My Business?
What are The Benefits of Hiring SEO Consultant?
An effective SEO campaign can reach potential customers easily with fewer efforts. This makes the SEO campaign both efficient and cost-effective compared to the traditional advertising mediums.
Why Should I Hire You?
I am an SEO consultant with rich experience in web strategy and SEO. I will help you boost the online presence of your business, generate more leads and promise conversion. I was also the in-house SEO Team Leader at IObit Software (one of the leading software developers globally).
Show Me Your SEO Results
OK, here you go:

Other project details are available on LinkedIn. Due to confidentiality reason, I can’t share the traffic data of IObit in public. Maybe we can discuss that in private.
Got Questions on SEO? Get a consultation from the Shanghai SEO expert. WeChat: mighil or email webmaster[at]
List of Service I Provide
- SEO expert services in Shanghai for international businesses
- Chinese to English website translation services
- Pay-per-click
- Social Media
- Web Analytics
- Web Development
- Content Management
- Blog Management
- Virtual Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Keyword Analytics
SEO Packages
- Startup: 10 Keywords Optimization.
- Standard: 25 Keywords Optimization, Custom Social Media Kit.
- Premium: 50 Keywords Optimization, Custom Social Media Kit, Custom Analytics.
We can discuss further and choose the right strategy for your business. Contact me today for a flexible quote.
Bottom line: Do You Dare to Be Different?
There’s a lot of mediocre SEO experts in Shanghai. Following the same old digital marketing fluff isn’t going to help you. You need real visitors, real metrics and user engagement. I’m all about that. Get in touch today!