Table of Contents

  1. Why Clarity Is Key
  2. The Power of Simplicity
  3. The Importance of Tailoring the Message
  4. The Role of Storytelling
  5. Proofreading and Editing
  6. When in Doubt, Do Not Publish
  7. Epilogue

Copywriting Best Practices

Copywriting Best Practices
Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

Businesses always compete for people’s attention. As copywriters, ensuring our message is compelling and easy to understand. In this article, I’ll unfold a few copywriting best practices and how they can help a brand connect with its target audience. Also, please don’t consider this one a definitive guide. And these best practices mentioned cater to the business audience.

Disclaimer: I’m jotting this down based on my experience as a copywriter and proofreader (on and off) for over ten years. Good copies have brought food to my table. And great copies have helped me develop everlasting personal and professional connections.
Before we dive in, here are my two cents: There’s no hack to writing better. To become a great writer, you must learn to read well, consume great content, and draft/edit/delete a lot. And please don’t read below if you’re a creative genius. Just stop reading. You don’t need this.

Why Clarity Is Key

Copywriting is all about effective communication. As writers, we aim to convey a brand message regarding its product or service to the intended audience.

But for the communication to be fruitful, it must be clear and comprehendible.

The clarity in copywriting involves using simple language and organizing the message coherently and comprehensibly. This aspect is crucial, especially in industries that frequently employ technical terms and jargon.

In such situations, simplify and explain these terms in a way easily understood by the target audience. By the end of the day, the success of your copywriting depends on the clarity of the message conveyed.

The Power of Simplicity

In copywriting, simplicity involves boiling down a message to its core elements. Clear and concise language that effectively conveys the intended message without unnecessary details.

Keeping things simple lets our audience easily comprehend and connect with our message.

Simplicity holds a potent advantage (it’s evergreen).

We can effectively cut through the noise and capture our audience’s attention through simple language and straightforward messaging. Additionally, simplicity can aid in making a brand more relatable to its target audience. Using language familiar to the audience can establish trust and familiarity crucial for fostering long-term customer relationships.

The Importance of Tailoring the Message

Understanding whom we’re writing for and what they need is crucial. This includes tailoring the message to the target audience to make it more relevant and engaging, which leads to better results.

And to achieve clarity and simplicity, we must use language and terminology that the audience is familiar with. We should structure the message in a way that is easy for them to follow.

For instance, if we’re writing for a tech-savvy audience, we can use more technical terms without worrying about creating confusion. And when writing for a broader audience, we need to simplify the language to ensure everyone understands the message.

The Role of Storytelling

Good copywriting goes beyond simply providing information. It is an amalgamation of storytelling using specific techniques to connect emotionally with the audience, making our message more memorable.

But to achieve the desired impact, ensure the message is clear. And when telling a story, keep the language and message simple when telling a story so that even a 12-year-old can grasp it.

If the language is too complicated, the audience may get lost in the details and miss the overall point of the story. Keeping things straightforward ensures the audience stays engaged and remembers the story’s key points.

Proofreading and Editing

We cannot discuss copywriting best practices without highlighting the significance of proofreading and editing. Even the most skilled copywriters can make mistakes, so catching errors is crucial before publishing the message.

We must ensure the language and message are clear and straightforward during proofreading and editing. Don’t sweat about removing unnecessary words or phrases, simplify complex language, and check for spelling or grammatical errors.

By dedicating time to proofreading and editing, we can ensure that the final message is easy to understand and free of any errors that could detract from its impact.

When in Doubt, Do Not Publish

Last, do not publish the button; get our message out quickly. Remember, quality is more important than speed.

When in doubt about the copy, it is safe to err on caution and wait to publish until we are confident in our message.

Publishing unclear or complicated copy can have serious consequences, including confusing or alienating our target audience. If the audience cannot understand our message, they will be unlikely to engage with our brand or take the desired action.

Sometimes, publishing unclear or confusing copy could damage our brand’s reputation. So take the time to review and revise our copy until we are confident in its message. Try getting feedback from others, do additional research, or simply take a break and return to the copy with fresh eyes.

By prioritizing quality over speed, we can ensure our message is compelling, engaging, and memorable.


See, it’s simple.

As copywriters, we should ensure our message is interesting and easy to grasp. To achieve this, we need to consider who our audience is, use straightforward language, and review and refine our work thoroughly.

Any business or personal brand can expect favorable outcomes by implementing the best practices I shared in this article.

Written by MighilMighil is an indie musician and tinkerer with diverse work experience in technology and writing. He has had the privilege of serving in various capacities, encompassing generalist and specialist roles. He is currently based in Chengdu.


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